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Error AddNew Operation Failed

Registered: Aug 8 2008
Posts: 37


I am using a database connection snipet with the following code. All of the other buttons (First,Last,Update,Cancel) on the form execute properly with the exception of the AddNew button which is suppose to create a new record within a SQL database with an ODBC connection. Here is the error:

Error addNew Operation failed. Empty row set cannot be inserted. Row must have at least one column value set.

----- Form1.InjuryNotice.dbAddNew[1]::click: - (FormCalc, client) ----------------------------------

// Database control button >> add a new record.

// Changing records implies updating the current record with any changes. Enabling this statement would ensure that no changes are committed
// without the user explicitly using the Update button.


Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
I would suggest placing some data in at least one of the bound fields before applying the addNew(). If there are no bound fields then you'll need to write directly to one of the sourceSet.SupvrRprt components

I would aslo suggest removing any autoInc or ReadOnly fields from the DB.

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