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Error Notice - This Operation is Not Permitted

Registered: Sep 3 2009
Posts: 2

I have created a form using Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Professional LiveCycle Designer. My original document, unfortunately, was a Microsoft Excel workbook that contained 12 worksheets. I manually added several text fields as well as each individual page contains a reset button and a next page button (I linked this button from one page to another). The last page also has a print button. There are also several comments throughout the document. The form appears to work fine until I "enable user rights". Once I did this the error notice - "This operation is not permitted" - OK button appears as soon as you open the document. If you click the OK button the document works fine. Please help. I'm open to any suggestions. I have a tight timeframe in which to get this document working. Thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
You get this when you load the reader right version into livecycle or just when you load it in Adobe Acrobat?

If it happens in livecycle yeah.. reader rights should be your distributable not the working copy.. if you saved over your working copy with the reader right version open it up and go to File->Save a copy and open the copy in livecycle.