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error when scrolling to page 2 on form

Registered: Mar 27 2008
Posts: 76

I have a pdf file I created a dynamic form from. It is on pages 2-5.

On form ready, I set the pages to "hidden". That works fine.

on my first page I have a check box. When I click the checkbox and then scroll down to see the other pages, I am getting following error. I cannot see the problem anywhere. Can anyone explain what Regions mean. I figure I am missing something on a define. thank you very much

Acrobat JavaScript Debugger Functions Version 9.0
Acrobat EScript Built-in Functions Version 9.0
Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Functions Version 9.0
Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Wizard Functions Version 9.0
Acrobat SOAP 9.0

Regions is not defined
13:XFA:topmostSubform[0]:Page1[0]:CheckBox1[0]:clickException in line 13 of function top_level, script XFA:topmostSubform[0]:Page1[0]:CheckBox1[0]:click

Regions is not defined
missing ; before statement
missing ; before statement

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
What script do you use in "CheckBox1"?
There seems to be some syntax error.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs