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expanding text boxes - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't?

Registered: Mar 26 2008
Posts: 21


I'm using Adobe Acrobat Professional 8 and its LiveCycle Designer to create forms. I have been able to get some of my text boxes to expand to fit the amount of text that a user enters, but not all of them. I'm having trouble noticing any differences between the settings associated with the text boxes that expand properly and those that don't expand. To make the text boxes expand I followed the below instructions.

If you have an idea about this, please let me know. Also, if that doesn't work, I'd like to send someone my form so they can take a look at what the problem might be.

Thanks so much!

(Instructions followed are below.)

(Some of the below was taken from

You need to wrap your text fields in a flowed subform (if both fields are not right next to one another on your form set each field up in its own subform), and have each text field you want to expand set to expand to fit length. Also make sure that your form is saved as a dynamic one and not static. If your form isn't saved as a dynamic form, or your text fields are not wrapped within a flowed subform, the text fields will not grow as you desire, based on user entry.

You will need to set up a structure of subforms to handle this. First wrap the fields below your expanding text fields in a subform. Keep this form set to positioned rather than flowed. Do the same for your fields above the expanding field. Next wrap all of these subforms in their own subform (this should be a subform that includes all of your form elements at this point), and set that subform to flowed. What this does is keep the fields above and below your expanding text field in the same position you have them set to on your form (the two positioned subforms). The subform that then encapsulates all of your subforms then allows the form to expand and contract based on the amount of text entered in the expanding fields. The positioned subforms will move within the flowed subform based on the expansion of the expanding text field.

To save a form as dynamic you must do a "save as", and change the type to dynamic instead of the default static. None of the expansion will work properly without the form being saved as a dynamic form.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 7 2007
Posts: 90
Did you ever get your text field issues worked out? If not, email me your form and I'll be happy to look it over.

Have you confirmed that BOTH your text field and the subform that it is wrapped in are set to expand? You'll need to check:

For your text field: that Object>Field>Allow Multiple Lines is checked.
Layout>Y:/Height Column is checked "Expand to Fit".For your text field's subform: that Object>Subform Content is Flowed. (If it's Positioned, it needs to have in the Layout tab, the Y:/Height Column checked "Auto-Fit".)Those are the requirements needed for expansion. And yes, just as you noted from a forum above, you MUST have your form saved as dynamic to allow for expansion.
Registered: Mar 26 2008
Posts: 21
Thanks! I had forgotten the Layout>Y:/Height Column is checked "Expand to Fit" part. This was very helpful!!
Registered: Jan 7 2009
Posts: 1
Similar to above- My text boxes expand on the screen when entering data, however when I try to print them, only what is displayed prints with a "plus" at the bottom.Any suggestions- hopefully simple :)
Registered: Nov 1 2007
Posts: 151
Jacq wrote:
Similar to above- My text boxes expand on the screen when entering data, however when I try to print them, only what is displayed prints with a "plus" at the bottom.Any suggestions- hopefully simple :)
Do they physically expand or do you get a scroll bar at the side when the text is beyond the visible area?
Dale Reynolds
Registered: Feb 24 2009
Posts: 13
I'm very interested in a reply to this issue, as it affects a form I created for my company. I created a form using Adobe Acrobat Pro v9.0, using the form wizard to import a Word document as the template. The end users have complained that they do not want to scroll when the text in a field goes beyond the visible layout of a particular field on the form. They want the field itself to expand. Plus, they want the entire field to be displayed when the form is printed.

I am very new at creating forms, so I followed the wizard, so to speak. How can I make a PDF form that has text fields that expand, and yet maintain the look and format of the original form? The responses above give me hope, but the print aspect is very important to my end users.

Comments? Help?