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Export PDF form data to excel

Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123

Yes, all of these questions I am posting refer to the same form! haha...

I have a dynamic form that I created in LiveCycle with many numeric text fields. I want to be able to export the data from each of these fields to one master excel spreadsheet after the form is filled out by several users.

I've been reading how-to's for exporting data from PDF forms to excel, but it sounds like the PDF needs to be formatted in table (which means completely redesigning my form). Do I have that understood correctly? Or does anyone have a better solution which would not lead me to recreating my entire 20-page form? :)

Thanks in advance. I don't know how I would get anything done without the support of this forum.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 25 2011
Posts: 1
I have the same issue.
My fillable PDF form is not in a tabular formate but I need to be able to collect the data that is entered into an Excel file for futher processing.
Registered: Feb 10 2011
Posts: 1
I created a form in LifeCycle Designer which needs to go out to about 80 people. The form will be different for each person because I'm asking them to confirm or change their contact details, as well as complete the rest of the form. How would I do that? I have an excel spreadsheet with the data that would be used to prefill the fields but can't figure out how to use a merge with it. Do either of you know? Each person is verifing their own contact details so each form would be different.
Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 48

If your PDF uses XML schema file connection to define data structure, easiest way will be to use Acrobat pro feature;
Forms > Manage Form Data > Merge data file into SpreadsheetIn this function, Acrobat pro will pull out form data as xml data and conbines them to one xml file.

after that, you can import the file to excel pro function;
Data > XML > importIn other case, I really haven't tried so no idea.
Registered: Sep 15 2010
Posts: 4
I have a multiple page PDF (I have no idea how it was created). I am trying to put the information into an excel worksheet. I have tried tons of stuff..what is wrong? I have used what Bamboolian just said and it says it is done and the document has one work in it. I have tried to "save as" the document into text, tables in excel spreadsheet, etc. I have run OCR and receive errors (this page contains renderable text)and a couple of letters will go into my excel sheet. I hope I am making sense...This PDF is gonna make me crazy. I have spoken with my IT department and Acrobat 9 and X standard claim to have the ability to make a PDF into an excel file, but don't tell you the stipulations or how to do it. Isn't that what "Help" is for? Nothing comes up. Help!

Bynne Love