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Extract Parts of a form

Registered: Jul 3 2008
Posts: 11


We want to merge our IT and HR new starter forms. I have created our IT new starter form using LiveCycle Designer v8.

Managers submit the forms to IT by using a submit button on my form that emails a copy of the form to us so we can process it.

HR now want to merge their form into ours, so that the manager only has to fill in one form if they have a new starter at our company. As some of the info that HR need is confidential (such as pay grade etc.) IT are not allowed to see this info.

One potential workaround is for the manager to complete the form, send it to HR. Once HR receive the form, the delete the confidential details form the form and forward the rest of it onto IT.

Is there a better way of doing this with LiveCycle, that will save HR from having to delete all the sensitive bits form each form?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
It would be very difficult to do this with just desktop products like Acrobat/LiveCycle Designer because you're mixing a complex workflow and confidential information into the mix. These type of processes are good candidates for the [url=]LiveCycle Enterprise Suite[/url] server products because these tools provide these type of capabilities.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for