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Field to autopopulate with info entered in another field

Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 4


In the LiveCycle Designer, I would like to create a formula so that when the the person enters information in a text field named "PredecessorOrgn" it would auto populate in another text field named "RespOrgn" on the form.

Any suggestions on how I would go about doing this? I've been trying to use the FormCalc and JavaScript functionality but I'm not having any luck.


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Use the calculation option of the field "RespOrgn".

There are a number of tutorials and eSeminars on demand in the Learning Center about creating LiveCycle Designer forms.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 2
While I appreciate the reference to the tutorials and eSeminars, I need someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I have referenced user input data to be placed in another field and it does it quite successfully. Unfortunately I did this for a different field but the form populates the data from the first field (despite the difference in the name). Below is the scripting...

F.#subform[2].#subform[3].Cost::calculate - (JavaScript, both)
F.P1.RenovNonSeismic::enter - (FormCalc, client)

F.#subform[2].#subform[3].Cost2::calculate - (JavaScript, both)
F.P1.RenoSeismic::enter - (FormCalc, client)

The option on both is calculate and the language is javaScript.

E. Montan
University of California, Office of the President

Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 4
Thanks to you both!

For future reference in case someone else is looking for information on how to enter various formulas within LiveCycle, they should watch "Extending LiveCycle Forms with Javascript and FormCalc".

The part that I was missing was having to have the form.subform information in front of the field name. The way Teladria shows in the example above.
Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 2
I'm glad to have helped you. I still need help though! If anyone is out there who can troubleshoot my dilemma, I would truly appreciate it. :/

E. Montan
University of California, Office of the President