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Flowable Text Field Not Working

Registered: Apr 13 2010
Posts: 29

Background on this is I am trying to make a text area expand to fit (height). I have done the tutorial on flowable PDFs with XML data successfully. But that was for a table and external data. Here is what I am doing that I expect the flowable text field.

1. Create a Blank form, Letter, 1 page, add a email button.
2. Drag over a text object and a text field object.
3. In the Hierarchy move the email button below the text object and text field object.
4. Select the text object and text field object. Right-click and create subform.
5. Select the email button. Right-click and create subform.
6. Click subform containing text object and text field object. Set
7. Click subform containing email button. Set Object>>Subform>>>Content>>Flowed
8. Click page 1 subform containing text object and text field object. Set Object>>Subform>>>Content>>Flowed
9. Click text field object. Object>>Field>>Check "Allow Multiple Lines"
10. Click text field object. Layout>>Check "Expand to fit" under Height
11. Save PDF as Adobe Dynamic XML Form.
12. Restart LiveCycle. Open PDF.
13. Preview PDF, paste a ton of text into text field. Field does not expand, it only becomes scrollable.

At this point, I would think the text field should grow in height for whatever I type in.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 13 2010
Posts: 29 I tried one more thing. I never moved my focus from the text field object. After that, it expanded. So to refine my question, is this a feature of the product? Or is there a way to make the text grow as you type? It makes it easier on the person typing if they can look up above at what they previously typed.
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
The text field can't grow as you type.

All you can do is make it tall enough to hold several lines of text so people can see what they've typed earlier.
Registered: Apr 13 2010
Posts: 29
Lame. Even if I don't like the answer, it still a right one. :)
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Ya it would be nice if it did, a lot of people ask about it.