Background on this is I am trying to make a text area expand to fit (height). I have done the tutorial on flowable PDFs with XML data successfully. But that was for a table and external data. Here is what I am doing that I expect the flowable text field.
1. Create a Blank form, Letter, 1 page, add a email button.
2. Drag over a text object and a text field object.
3. In the Hierarchy move the email button below the text object and text field object.
4. Select the text object and text field object. Right-click and create subform.
5. Select the email button. Right-click and create subform.
6. Click subform containing text object and text field object. Set
7. Click subform containing email button. Set Object>>Subform>>>Content>>Flowed
8. Click page 1 subform containing text object and text field object. Set Object>>Subform>>>Content>>Flowed
9. Click text field object. Object>>Field>>Check "Allow Multiple Lines"
10. Click text field object. Layout>>Check "Expand to fit" under Height
11. Save PDF as Adobe Dynamic XML Form.
12. Restart LiveCycle. Open PDF.
13. Preview PDF, paste a ton of text into text field. Field does not expand, it only becomes scrollable.
At this point, I would think the text field should grow in height for whatever I type in.