Can I get LiveCycle to have Acrobat show some numeric fields with two trailing decimal points even if the number is a whole number?
I want the user to type 485 and Acrobat show it as 485.00 once they tab to another field.
Also, can I have Acrobat show a dollar sign in the calculated field? If the user enters "12" in numeric field A and "13" in numeric field B, I want the form to show:
I'm brand new to LiveCycle and I'm falling in love. Our office sends out a LOT of forms where we ask the recipient to print, fill out by hand, then scan/email or fax back to us. I'm going to love not having to decipher handwritten names and numbers any more. But I've probably got 50 or so forms to do, so I'll be asking a lot of questions here. TIA to all who answer.