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Forcing two digits after the decimal and a dollar sign query

Registered: Sep 27 2010
Posts: 5

Can I get LiveCycle to have Acrobat show some numeric fields with two trailing decimal points even if the number is a whole number?
I want the user to type 485 and Acrobat show it as 485.00 once they tab to another field.
Also, can I have Acrobat show a dollar sign in the calculated field? If the user enters "12" in numeric field A and "13" in numeric field B, I want the form to show:
I'm brand new to LiveCycle and I'm falling in love. Our office sends out a LOT of forms where we ask the recipient to print, fill out by hand, then scan/email or fax back to us. I'm going to love not having to decipher handwritten names and numbers any more. But I've probably got 50 or so forms to do, so I'll be asking a lot of questions here. TIA to all who answer.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Use a decimal field and set the display pattern to the format you want. See the Designer help doc for more information on using patterns.
Registered: Sep 27 2010
Posts: 5
Thanks George. Patterns - who'd of thought? As a Photoshop guy, I know that patterns are graphic elements so I never even thought of looking there. I'm thinking the Photoshop and Acrobat teams at Adobe don't collaborate quite like the Photoshop and Illustrator teams do. (But I'm biased, I think Word and Excel should behave like Photoshop does. Heck, I want my browser to accept my Photoshop keyboard shortcut commands.)

I can get the two zeros after the decimal point only if I choose the $ pattern, but I haven't found a way to get two trailing zeros if the decimal field pattern isn't a $ pattern.
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Sorry. Try using a numeric field (as opposed to decimal) and specify a pattern that ends in ".99".

Makes perfect sense, no?
Registered: Sep 27 2010
Posts: 5
Perfect sense? I'm glad Acrobat/LiveCycle wasn't the first software I ever learned, I would think everything else is really weird and unlogical.

I finally got it to work. I had to actually change the "num{z,zzz,zz9.zzz}" to "num{z,zzz,zz9.99}" to get it to work.

I also figured out how to get zeros, you have to check the "Allow Zero" box (intuitive) and then type 0.00 in the field (certainly not intuitive). But I can get it to write "zero" or "nothing" or even "WTF, you're putting a zero here?" when the user puts a 0 in a numeric field.

George_Johnson = LiveCycle Rock Star. Super huge thanks for your help over the past couple of days.
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
JimHere wrote:
George_Johnson = LiveCycle Rock Star.
I don't think so, but I'm glad you got it working.