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Form field user help

Registered: May 19 2008
Posts: 46

I am trying to design a form with Acrobat Pro 8 Livecycle, such that when a user selects (clicks on) any fillable form field, detailed instructions for the user will automatically appear somewhere... anywhere... as each field is selected.
I played around with sticky notes, and I think I can get them to display for each field label, and locking the notes so the user can't change them. But as you all know, sticky notes are really designed for user feedback, and include name, options drop down list, etc etc, on the header of the sticky note, none of which I want. (all of those little yellow sticky note "indicators" next to every field are kind of messy too)
If anybody can help, I'm willing to come over and mow your lawn for the summer. :)

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
I didnt' know you can make sticky notes appear using Livecycle. How did you do that? That is, what script did you use?
Registered: May 19 2008
Posts: 46
Sorry I wasn't clearer on that point. I added the stickys by closing the pdf in Livecycle and reopening it in Acrobat, then applied the stickys there.

But doing that doesn't really solve my dilemma anyway, as I outlined above.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Edit your prefences for Acrobat to disable the "Always use Identity for Author" and you can change the author but not much more. Have you looked at using the "text box comment"?

George Kaiser

Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
If you want to show detailed instructions for any field you click on, then place a text field, say, at the bottom of the form, and then in the mouse click or enter event of field you want help for, have it populate that text field at the bottom.

Fancier ideas would be to put the help text field in the master page, or if you're really up for a challenge, you can modify the x, y cooridinates of the help text field so it shows up next to your field you want help for.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
In LiveCycle Designer set the help text in the "toolTip" and in Acoro Forms use the "userName" to provide "Tool Tip" text for fields.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 4 2008
Posts: 2
Hi there. I just tried 2 options.

1- I entered a text in the accessiblilty folder, "toolTip" field, but it does not show any information in the preview. I dont know if would have to bind it with smthg.

2- I tried to use the following java script"xfa.Form1.S1.S3.TF1");
in order to link a specific field (TF1)with a specific section of instructions at the bottom of the form and I had no succes neither.

Any ideas of this? Thanks in advanced