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Form with Multiple Send to Addresses Repeating First Address

Registered: Feb 19 2009
Posts: 7

I have a form with 2 send to addresses separated by a ";". The form was created in LiveCycle Designer. Ex: mail@mailcom;mail2 [at] mail [dot] com. When the form is sent the to is sent to mail [at] mail [dot] com twice. It repeats the first email address listed twice and completely ignores the second email. Is there anywhere I can fix this?


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Dec 30 2008
Posts: 16
Hi Melissa234567,

can you sample of your form so we can see how to help or even post the script attached to the submit button?

Thank you.
Registered: Feb 19 2009
Posts: 7
Yes, sorry. It never notified me someone responded. Here is the code:

<?templateDesigner isEmailSubmitObject true?>Submit by Email<?templateDesigner StyleID apbx2?>
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Melissa234567,

In this line of the code you posted-

The same email address is used twice- I do not see a second (different) email?

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Feb 19 2009
Posts: 7
Sorry - I changed the emails in the post as to not post people's emails..

<?templateDesigner isEmailSubmitObject true?>Submit by Email<?templateDesigner StyleID apbx2?>