I must be stupid, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make my form (created on Adobe Pro 8 and Live Cycle Designer 8) able to be accessed and saved from Acro Reader V8 to a hard drive location for re-editing of the data at a later time. I've seen the demo docs that allow for that, but cannot get my newly created form to work the same way. HELP!! thanks...Tommer
Thanks for the version info. That is interesting you are not able to get this to work, we've done this many times with no problem in the exact scenario you listed (XFA designed form opened in Acrobat 8 Pro, Enable Usage Rights applied, save, then open in Reader 8, fill and save.)
Are you using the option under Advanced ->Enable Usage Rights, not the Enable Commenting Rights option?Hope that helps,
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions