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General question for new user of LiveCycle

Registered: Mar 27 2008
Posts: 76

What I want to do seems fairly simple to me, but having a rough time starting.

I need to take an existing Excel file with drop down lists of data and convert it to PDF form.

I am using Acrobat Professional Suite 8.1

It does convert the form, but no data from lists (this is not question at this point).

I want to go in and create drop down lists. It allows me to drop a drop down list, but I can only resize it and give it a name. I cannot get to any attributes in LiveCycle Designer (version 8.0). If I put create a date/time box, it does not allow me to choose what format I want, etc.

I bring up the form in acrobat 8.1 When I want to go edit the form, it says it will be closing acrobat and re-opening in LiveCycle.

I am wondering if i have the correct LiveCycle. What is the difference with LiveCycle ES package.

I feel very naive on this and appreciate any support.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 22 2008
Posts: 94
May I suggest you search for this post "Radio Button on Converted PDF". It seems that you can achieve what you want only if you start in LiveCycle Designer!