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Has anybody used the resetData method?

Registered: Mar 18 2008
Posts: 10

Hello all -

Recently tried experimenting with the resetData method.

When I call it from the change or exit event of a drop-down list, and include the string listing the reference syntax of the fields to reset, it works as advertised - no problem there. However it also resets the drop-down list where it's called from (tried both change and exit events), which is not always wanted.

Anybody had this same experience? Is there a way to reset only the fields listed in the reference syntax and not the field it is called from?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
When you pass nothing into the "resetData()" function is resets all fields on the form. The string you pass in must contain the full paths of the elements you want to reset, not just the field names. If it doesn't, then it's the same as passing in nothing.

Thom Parker
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