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Having Issues with Flowed Text for a Letterhead form [Form Attached]

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111

Good day!

I spent a few days searching the forum and the net for a possible solution in getting this letterhead to flow properly to the next page if one goes beyond the body text field.

I tried wrapping the body text field in a subform and having the actual text field with page breaks but that didn't work.

From examples I've seen I had the main page of the form (P1) which is already a subform in the positioned format but once I changed it to flowed it changed my entire layout and I could not move any of the fields. I did test it and it seemed to work but it was a little discombobulated.

Basically just trying to get the letterhead body's text field to flow to another page if one has a really long letter to type.

The form is attached for your viewing.

Thank you once again.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 24 2008
Posts: 39
The key is to wrap the items that you don't want to move in a separte subform.

For instance, set your P1 subform to flowed. Then wrap the fields you don't want to be flowed in a positioned subform. The growing portion of your text field can remain in the main subform below the positioned subform, and then create another positioned subform below the text field, and wrap your footer information in that.

Website Designer - Lititz, PA