Is there anyway to get the mail.Doc function to cCc: two text fields? I've tried a comma, a semi colon, and bCc: and I wanted to know does anyone think its possible? Here is a sample of what almost works, when I add a comma after the first text field it breaks the submit. Thanks for any suggestions.
else {{bUI:false, cTo:"umcdoittigerlinkrequests [at] missouri [dot] edu", cCc:SignatoryEmail.rawValue, FiscalOfficerEmail.rawValue, cSubject:"Campus desktop purchase order submitted to the Division of Information Technology", cMsg:""+ContactPerson.rawValue+" submitted an order to request campus destop computers from the Division of Information Technology for "+Department.rawValue+". Please open the attached PDF file and review the request in Adobe Acrobat. If you did not approve this request or if you think the order is not accurate, please notify the Division of Information Technology by calling (573)882-2000."});
else {{bUI:false, cTo:"umcdoittigerlinkrequests [at] missouri [dot] edu", cCc:SignatoryEmail.rawValue +";" + FiscalOfficerEmail.rawValue,You may have to provide for your e-mail client's name separator and provide for an empty value for either of both fields.
George Kaiser