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Header on 2nd Page

Registered: Jun 18 2009
Posts: 3

I have created a form that uses model number, serial number and task number fields at the top of the form and dynamic table to capture the task steps. For a large number of steps the table rolls onto a second (or third or fourth...) page. The subsequent pages need to have the model number, serial number, and task number reprinted on the top of the page so we know which page 2 goes with which page 1.

How do I create a header that starts only on Page 2 (and later pages) that includes values entered into the fields on Page 1?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 23 2009
Posts: 13
Hi rbrock271,

what i understood is you want the Header fields of a Table in the Subsequent Pages when a table is rolled, correct me if i am wrong..

if yes,
1. First Select the Header for the Table you created in the Hierarchy Tab
2. goto Object Pallete of the Header Selected and then Pagination Tab
3. Check both the Options "Include Header Row in Initial Page and also "Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages"

then you will see the header row in everu page when a table is rolled.

Registered: Jun 18 2009
Posts: 3
Thank you for the reply, but the problem I'm looking at is outside the table. The information I need (serial #, model #, task #) is entered into the header subform of the form. The table is merely one of the subforms on the form. When the table in the subform spills over onto subsequent pages, I need a way to replicate the serial #, model #, and task # onto the subsequent pages. This is because the pages are printed and handed out to the shop floor to perform the task sequence. If Page #2 doesn't have the serial/model/task number printed it become nearly impossible to associate the Page #2 with the correct Page #1.