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Help for a newbie please

Registered: Oct 2 2009
Posts: 5

Hi There everyone
During the last Hours I'm working on a friend's computer with LiveCycle which is very interresting.

As a beginner I did my best to find an answer before asking for help but time goes on and I really need to fix my problem which I'm sure is nothing for usual users.

I made a form with some fields to be completed by a XML file which I import including a text calculated field called "GroupName".(several occurences)
It works fine.

I just need an additionnal field "GroupNameX" in footer of Pages Types to show the content of the first instance of the field called "GroupName".

I tried a lot of solutions but I miss the right one :)
Which script has to be used?

Sorry for my poor english. ANd thanks a lot for your answer.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
I am not sure if you mean that you have created repeating instances of the GroupName field. If so, this is not the easiest thing to do. You can find lots of help on this topic by downloading LiveCycle Designer Scripting Basics. It has a good section on this.

You can try this script:
// on the field GroupName on:exit - (JavaScript, client)
// Place on field of the first instance subform so that it will copy itself to the GroupNameX field
//replace form1.P4.ItemSet with the path to your field GroupNameX
Registered: Oct 2 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks a lot for your answer.
I will try this this afternoon and tell you the result.
Best regards

14h45 I tried the proposed script without any success. Meanwhile I'll download the script you told me about and look for a solution. TBF
Registered: Oct 2 2009
Posts: 5
I'm afraid I'll be definitivly unable to find THE solution. Thanks anyway for your help...