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Hi to everyone and a problem

Registered: Aug 24 2009
Posts: 4

Hi everybody,

i'm making a form which has date/time fields and a numeric field which calculate days between these two dates.I've read almost all the entries about formcalc /java script (date2num functions etc..) but i can't get this work.I even tried to copy and paste functions from given examples, all it gives non functioning fields with zero's or script errors.. I'm doing something wrong obviously but i'm lost..
Can someone show me the way?

That's what i do by the way: StartDate field with Date2num function EndDate field
with Date2num function.. Then a numeric/decimal field with subtraction of these two fields and /or start date field, (blank code)enddate field (blank code) and numeric/decimal field with a function:

(Date2Num(Date_2.formattedValue, "D/M/YY"))-(Date2Num(Date_1.formattedValue, "D/M/YY"))

All i see is zero.Help is much appreciated.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

use this FormCalc-Script in the calculation event of the numeric field, to display the difference of days.

Abs(Date2Num(Date_2.formattedValue, DateFmt(1)) - Date2Num(Date_1.formattedValue, DateFmt(1)))

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Aug 24 2009
Posts: 4
Great!.It worked.. Thank you.