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Hidde first page

Registered: Dec 3 2007
Posts: 7

I am working on a form using lifecycle designer 8.1 and I want to use the first page as an entry mask for general data and for information about the form. After filling out this page subforms will be called an populated based on the data. After showing the subforms the fist page should hidde. I tried various ways but all what I achive is a blank page with only the header on it as page one. And it prints. Any hints?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You aught to be able to do this with a dynamic form. Putting all of your Page 1 content into a subform that is removed after use with the "removeInstance()" function. Then all of the other content would flow up into the first page.

However, this may be a bit awkward, as I think you've already found. An alternative to this might be a form wizard. Check out the demo on this web page.


Thom Parker
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