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Hidden subforms not showing up when saved/sent via email

Registered: Aug 23 2011
Posts: 2

Hi all,
I'm extremely new to Adove LiveCycle and am in the midst of creating forms for sales rep to book advertisements.
I am ecstatic over the fact I was able to make subforms hide and appear at the click of a checkbox and put in correct calculations in the correct fields. However, I'm facing one problem. So near yet so far.
The form appears as per normal and any user can fill in the form and save/print/send/edit using Adobe Reader. As aforementioned, users can click a checkbox if they're booking more than one ad space and a subform will appear for them to put in details of the extra ad space they want to book.
However when I try to save it or send it off (I did the experiment on my own computer) The subforms are not appearing. I have two subforms which presence option is set to "invisible".
Is there any sort of script I need to enter for another event? Please advice!!! I'd really appreciate any response.
Thanks in advance

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Accepted Answer
With the form opened in Designer, try the following setting:

File > Properties > Defaults > Scripting > Preserve scripting changes to form when saved > Automatically
Registered: Aug 23 2011
Posts: 2
YES! Worked perfectly. Thanks heaps George. Lifesaver! :)))))))