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hidden text that becomes visible when clicking on certain fields

Registered: Feb 22 2008
Posts: 2

I'm pretty new at designer forms with livecycle designer, and would like to know if it is possible to add mouse-click functions on certain objects, specifically on text fields. I am compiling a questionaire with a lot of terms that are quite difficult to understand. I need to add definitions to the words, and feel that including them to be visible all the time would clutter the form. Users should be able to only read the definitions of the certain words they do not understand. Thus I thought being able to hide the definitions and only make them visible once a user clicks on it. How would I achieve this? any help would be greatly appreciated.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 15 2005
Posts: 51
You can do this on the "click" event. One of the best examples you can find should be under your C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Designer 8.0\EN\Samples\Purchase Order\Dynamic Interactive\Forms\ directory. The "Purchase Order" form has a Add Comment button that has a comment box appear and disappear.

One thing you need to watch out for is that you need to save your PDF as a Dynamic PDF. If you do not save it as dynamic then the change of the presence attribute will not do anything (with the exception of when the form is loaded).
Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 43
I have some text fields on my form that when I enter data, some other text that is in my computer's memory appear for no reason and I have to delete and type in what I want. How do I remove this?

Also: how do I format fields to show what is intended; for example a percentage, a date, or a dollar amount
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You must turn off the "auto complete" in the preferences to affect all PDFs or set the "doc.noautocomplete" when the PDF file is opened to affect the current PDF. The "noautocomplete" property is a new document property in verson 7. this will require accessing the JavaScript object in LiveCycle Designer.

The easiest way to start with the correct or desired field type and thenchanging the form field's proptery in LiveCycle Designer this is on the "Object" tab and changing the "Display Apperance" pattern for the field. More information is contained in the "Scripting Reference" in under LiveCycle designer's menu "Help" option.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 2 2007
Posts: 123
Actually - I've a question that's related to that in a way. I'm torn between LiveCycle and 'Pro. Prefer the former though if poss.
Here's what I want to try to do:
I've several forms that are basically the same - and would like to create one pro-active form. For example. Imaging we're creating a User Form.
You have the common section - name etc etc.
Then a drop down menu saying: Finance, Inventory, HR
When you select, say Finance a separate section appears asking you a set of adds this to the form as a new section.....

Now you could have several buttons on this page each adding a separate 'section'.

Any ideas would be very much appreciated!!