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Registered: Sep 13 2008
Posts: 24

On the first page of the form I have created a few checkboxes. Depending on the user selection, I would like to dynamically change a document.

Initially the first page of the form appears with checkboxes. Once the user has made the selection and clicks "Finalize", I would like to hide the first page and depending on the selection make other text boxes appear on the subsequent pages.

In the click event of the button I have entered the following script

Page1.presence = "hidden";
Page 2.presence = "visible";

With this script I can make the objects disappear but not the page. However, the second page appears succesfully.

Is there a way to remove or hide pages as I will not need the first page once the user has made the selection and clicked finalize.

Thanks in advance for helping.

Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 44

I think that you would have to setup your form in the following manner:

1. All of your "Pages" in the Design View have to be Content: Flowed on the Object Pallette.

2. In your Finalize button you keep your Page1.presence = "hidden"...

Just remember that when you have flowed subforms you should probably wrap all the objects in that flowed subform in a Content: Position. That way you can place objects where you want them and still control the whole page with the Flowed subform.

Rick Kuhlmann

Forms Developer/Designer
Tech-Pro, Inc.
Roseville, MN