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Hiding & showing subforms works on page 1 but not page 2

Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368

I have a form with only two pages. It is a dynamic form. On page 1 there is a button which when pressed makes a hidden subform become visible. Also on page 1 there are 4 images stacked on top of each other. One of the images is visible and the other 3 are invisible. The hidden subform that becomes visible contains four buttons. When any of the buttons is pressed the image on the page associated with the button becomes visible and the other three become invisible and the subform comtaining the buttons his hidden again. On page 2 there is another button and hidden subform and images similar to what is on page 1.

Each one of the button/subform pairs works fine except...

When I work the button on page 1 the button on page 2 doesn't work or the other way around. If I start with page 2 then the button on page 1 doesn't work.

I don't understand why only one page at a time can be used.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 19 2010
Posts: 7
Are you using the full path to call items on a different page / subform?
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
I wasn't using a full path but since you mentioned it I tried it but it is still doing the same thing.


Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
Here is what I have.

A main subform for the page that is set to flow.
A subform called Side1SF that is the width and height of the content area. This subform is set to position
Another subform called Side2SF that has the same dimensions as the first one and is also set to position.


Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
I think I found the solution or a solution. I just found relayout in the help.


I have tried it out twice now and it seems to do the trick. It says in the discription that it, "Reapplies the layout options to the current form". I'm not 100% certain what it is doing but it seems to fix the problem.
