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How to add OMR-code (Optical Mark Recognition) to a form?

Registered: Jul 27 2009
Posts: 4


I want to add an OMR-code to a form build using LiveCycle Designer. Is there a How to or any documentation what i have to do? I only find hints that this is possible, but no tutorial.

Any help is appreciated.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Well, OMR-Codes are a very old way of programming.
As far I can remember there where Toshiba fax machines in the early 90's that where programmed with OMR-cards. ;-)
OMR-codes can't be used like Barcodes, to save new information in a compact way.
They are more like a checklist, where you select some of the predefined information.
The amount of available information can be very, very different.
Some programming task needs several sheets of OMR-codes, so it isn't very handy.

An Example:
A form (OMR-card) has 3 blank rectangles.
Each rectangle represents a specific information (lets say the first means "positve", the second "negative" and the third "neutral").
The user has to to print out the form and fill one of the fields with black color.
Then the users scans the form, and a special OCR-software checks, which of the fields is black and interprets the information in some way.

LiveCycle Designer does not provide any OMR-codes.
I think you read something about the LiveCycle Production Print ES.
But this is anonther (very expensive) product.
It uses OMR-codes, but only for some process related information, means the used OMR-codes are only for the software itself.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jul 27 2009
Posts: 4
Thank you for the detailed answer!

Actually you're right, what i want to do is to place the OMR code onto the form which i create with LiveCycle Designer, and print the Form via LiveCycle Production Print ES.

Unfortunately there seems to be no documentation how to place the code in Lifecycle Designer and what to do that LiveCycle Production Print ES can process this information, e.g. to tell some machine after the form is printed to put the printed form into an envelop and so on.
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Here you can find out more about Adobe LiveCycle Production Print ES.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jul 27 2009
Posts: 4
Thank you! This will help.