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How can I make my form smaller in file size ?? Java Question also.

Registered: Feb 3 2008
Posts: 81

I created a monster form and it's too slow now to open. It's created in LiveCycle. What can I do to make it smaller???

I was thinking, if I could cut down some of the Javascript code maybe that would help? For instance, can anyone tell me how to take the following line of javascript and make it a "variable" and then use the variable in my code ???

Here is my original line:
xfa.form.form1.InputSubForm1.UserInfoSubForm.presence = "visible"

Is there a way to make that whole like a variable and then use the variable in my script in stead of the code???
Can I put this in the Form Variables;

Var: opena
Value: xfa.form.form1.InputSubForm1.UserInfoSubForm.presence = "visible"

Then how do I use the variable: opena in the JavaScript code???

Thanks for any help !!!!!!


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
How large is your pdf file in Megabytes?
Registered: Feb 3 2008
Posts: 81
The form is just under 2 meg. It takes 35-45 sec to load in Reader 8 and 4 - 5 munites in reader 9.....

Thanks, Rod
Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
Just to eliminate the slowness of the computer, how long does it take to open a small PDF? For instance, create a test PDF with a couple fields and how long does that take to open in reader?
Registered: Feb 3 2008
Posts: 81
Great idea.

Reader 8 took 3 sec
Reader 9 took 18 sec

Thanks, Rod
Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
Thats good. Actually, that's interesting to see how much slower Reader 9 is, unless it needs reader 9 needs some programs in the system tray like 8 uses.

If you want, I can take a look at your PDF file if you send it to scottsheck [at] yahoo [dot] com, but I won't be able to take a look at it until this evening. I've developed ways of reducing file sizes and could give you a quote on doing this for you for a fee if this interests you. Not everyone seems to worry about file sizes so I don't get this request often, but this type of thing interests me for some odd reason.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Are there any scripts being run within the form to initialize the fields?

I do not believe LiveCycle Designer has a method of delaying the calculation or redrawing the form like Acro Form does.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138

gkaiseril brings up a good point, perhaps the file size is not causing the slowness of opening your PDF. To determine if the scripts are the problem, try keeping the scripts from running by doing the following. Not sure if this works, but worth a try.

In the Form, Properties menu, change your form to a 'PRINT" form instead of 'Interactive', and/or save your PDF to a STATIC PDF. I'm not sure if this prevents the scripts from executing, but it's worth a try.
Registered: Jul 7 2008
Posts: 49
I have a one meg file that takes nearly 2 minutes to open in Reader 9, and crashes a pc if they only have Reader 8. That's quite unacceptable, but am at a loss what I can do to make it faster?

I do have something like 6000 lines of JS in it, bit it's also a 20 page form and all the code is needed. :(