I have several fields with character limits (example: "Organizational Profile, max. 1000 characters")
I would like form users to be able to see a running count either of the characters they've entered, or of the remaining characters in their limit, while they are typing.
Complicating factor: I do not speak script. However, I'm bright enough to cut and paste script if a) I'm told EXACTLY where to paste it (as in: "make sure 'javascript' is selected as the language, and 'client' is selected for run at; then in the 'show' box, select 'enter,' then paste this script AFTER the line of text that already shows in the script window"); and b) I'm told which items of the script are variables related to my form/field, and how to customize them for this function (as in: "where it says 'fn=fieldname' you need to replace 'fieldname' with the actual name you are using for the field, like orgprofile.")
If this requires me to add another field to actually show the running count, I'm fine with that, but I'll need instructions on how to link the two effectively.
Any help is MUCH appreciated!
(By the way, LiveCycle designers at Adobe, this would be a great addition for the next version of the program...)
MyCount.rawValue = xfa.event.fullText.length;
Where "MyCount" is the name of the field where the character count will be displayed.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script