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How to create an expandable text field in a form

Registered: Nov 11 2008
Posts: 8

Using Acrobat 9 Pro or LifeCycle Designer, how does one add an expandable text field in a form that would work like Word. we want people to enter text of unlimited size (within reason, but it could be a couple pages) that can be viewed and printed in it's entirety (versus having to scroll through the text and it can't be viewed all at once). Word allows this feature when creating a form, but Acrobat doesn't seem to. We'd just stick with Word, but we like to submission and data tracking feature of Acrobat.
thank you!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
You can do this with LiveCycle Designer.

The basics are:
--Make sure you save the form as a dynamic form.
--Make sure the main subform for the document is set to Flowed.
--Set the text field you want to expand to be multi line and set up all the other paragraph settings so it will appear how you want it to such as vertical text alignment set to top etc.
--Give the text field a initial starting height.
--Set the height of the text field to auto expand.

Keep in mind that when the user types in the field and gets to the bottom a scroll bar will appear at the right side of the field as more text is added. It isn't until the field loose focus that it will expand and add more pages to accommodate all of the text that has been added.


Registered: Feb 12 2009
Posts: 6
Can someone elaborate the steps to make dynamic pdf form or point me to right resource? I am using Acrobat livedesigner 8.2 EU and Adobe Acrobat 9 pro.
I need to accomplish the following things:

1. The field needs to expand on the screen to accommodate however much text is inputted? (will the field expand to accommodate all the text or will you have to scroll the text field to see it all?)

2. When printed, the entire field expanded needs to be on the paper. (this is very important!)
We have about 50 PDF forms and our customers don’t want to use pdf because it is not expandable and printable. I am new to PDF form creation and currently create static forms.

I really appreciate any help to point me in the right direction.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi priya,

You should watch the e-seminars available here on using LiveCycle Designer to create forms. On the Home page of in the middle panel there is a drop down list titled e-Seminars On-Demand with "Using LiveCycle Designer," "Extending LiveCycle Forms with JavaScript and FormCalc," and "Advanced Forms and LiveCycle Designer."

There is also a brand spanking new book "PDF Forms Bible" by Ted Padova and Angie Akomoto available at Amazon or Wiley publishers- this would be a very good resource to have on hand while developing forms in both Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Feb 12 2009
Posts: 6
Thanks for yr help.
"Advanced Forms and LiveCycle Designer" eseminar answered most of my questions. I also plan to buy the book but mostly spending time searching and researching on the forum and following the threads gave me a really good perspective on dynamic forms.
Thanks again,
Registered: May 18 2010
Posts: 19
I'm currently having a similar problem. I've viewed the eseminar and have been able to have the fields expand as needed and have the text below drop as the fields above expand. I have been unsucessful at getting the items to flow onto a second page. I've anyone can provide me witha clue I'd greatly appreciate it.
Registered: Nov 21 2010
Posts: 2
I also can get a field to expand but not flow onto a second page. Has anyone found a solution?
Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 87
It has to do with the use of subforms. Send me an email and I'll send a sample you can examine
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
This video tutorial may help, How to Create Expanding Form Fields.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Sep 18 2008
Posts: 22
danielb wrote:
I also can get a field to expand but not flow onto a second page. Has anyone found a solution?
You must set the 'Allow page brakes within content' option on for both the subform and the text field.