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How to create a text field area?

Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55

hi folks,

could someone tell me, how to create a text field area in livecycle designer?

In livecycle designer you can create a text field with the option allowing insert many lines - sory for incorect translation from german into english. But user doesn't see the hole input because of too lower defined height of this text field.

My idea is the following: You create a text field tf as default allowing insert many new line. Depending on user input (inserting CRL or EOL because of defining line length of 80 chars, etc.) tf will fit its height to the input, also on the basis of number of lines for instance, automatically. Ideally, the following objects will be reposition automatically too.

Repositioning following objects is already well done per scripts. But how can i resize the height of the text field tf depending input? It would be nice to get your help!

Thanks in adv!

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you looked at saving the form as a dynamic PDF?

That would allow the fields to grow with the text and reflow or reformat the rest of the form.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 30 2009
Posts: 5
I see that this post is fairly old, but has no further responses. I have run into the same issue as the original poster.

How do you set a text field to automatically resize to allow for the number of lines of text that the user enters?

Also, how can it allow for a page break when the resized text field exceeds the page?

Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55
Hi dvermeire,

activating the option "Allow page break(ing)" for page breaking and "allow multiple lines" for autom. resize text box. It works fine but you will have problem with tab order whether your form's objects are not fit within the size of a letter. I. g. your form has more than 2 pages.

Could some one tell me, how to get the tab order in the right order on this case? Thanks in adv!

Registered: Oct 30 2009
Posts: 5
Thank you for the reply.

I've selected "Allow Multiple Lines" and "Allow Page Breaks Within Content". I've also selected "Allow Page Breaks Within Content" for the subform that contains this text field. Unfortunately, the behavior has not changed at all.

Perhaps I am wanting it to do something it is not capable of doing. What I thought would happen is that the text field would grow vertically as a user types in more lines of text. Instead, the vertical size of the text field remains the same, but a scroll bar gets added to the field. When the user moves to another field, the text field shows the lines that fit within the vertical size and has a little "+" sign in the lower right corner.

Is there some way of getting it to do what I want to do?
