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How to Deselect Radio Boxes

Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 32


I was wondering if anyone knew how to deselect radio buttons in a form. Would I have to make the field check boxes? I really only want people to be able to select one option; however, I would also like people to be able to leave a field blank and deselect an answer if they accidentally click an option.

Thank you.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Just use a check box.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
Also Creign, if you want your checkbox to look like a radio button, you can change the checkbox appearance.

To do this from the Object/Field tab, click the dropdown in the 'Appearance' field.
To look like a standard checkbox, select 'sunken circle'.
You'll see there are other choices there too.

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
You can use if/else codes to make it if one check box is selected then the others are blank, so it works like radio buttons in a sense. Unfortunately, this takes a bit of work depending on how many check boxes you'd be using. You have to enter the script into each check box under click function.

You can try this. I tested it and it works for me:

if (CheckBox1.rawValue == true)
CheckBox2.rawValue = "Off";
CheckBox2.rawValue = "Off";
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 32

I actually found out how to reset the radio button field, so I don't have to use check boxes. Thanks everyone.