I am using Lifecycle Designer 8.0. Using script how can a validate that a text field contains numeric characters? I can't seem to find a command to perform the check.
I am using Lifecycle Designer 8.0. Using script how can a validate that a text field contains numeric characters? I can't seem to find a command to perform the check.
1. (Easy) - Use a Numeric field. Guaranteed numeric entry
2. (Medium) - Set a data, display, edit, and/or validation pattern on the Object Panel for the field. Any or all of these can be used to set some level of numeric compliance
3. (Difficult) - Write a validation and/or change script for the field. "change" event is called for keystrokes so you can use it to enforce data entry restrictions.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script