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How to disable validation errors

Registered: Jan 26 2010
Posts: 7

Hello .
I am using adobe livecycle 8.2 , I have some fields as required , but for a reason I keep getting

At least one required field was empty on export. Please fill in the required fields ( highlighted ) before continuing

and I need through javascript or formcalc . I need to disable this validation .. to skip it on a submit button .

I been tryng many ways with validation.nulltest = "disabled" and = false; .. in many ways .. but I always get the " At least one required field ..... ""

is there a way to make a submit button skip all those validations ?? ...



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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Why not remove the "required" setting in the first place? If you want to disable it at run time then why do you need it?

But if you want to dynamically manipulate the required fields, the use the "mandatory" field property. For example, say I wanted to make a field required if a check box was selected

myField.mandatory = "error";
myField.mandatory = "disabled";

Thom Parker
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Thom Parker
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Registered: Jan 26 2010
Posts: 7
Well I needed to skip the validation , because I already have another button that goes through a webservice and then after I needed to use a submit button to send a signature .

and I tried what you said .. but coulndt make it work neither U.u .. I dont know what I do wrong ... BUT .. I found this function that works great if anyone could use it.

just call it in a preSubmit and it skips all required fields :)

function defeatAllMandatoryFields() {
// The following code iterates through all of the object types that could be mandatory
// and forces them to non-mandatory
// Exclusion groups are intentionally not in the objectTypes array because they
// are not found in the layout DOM by calling the layout DOM pageContent() method.
objectTypes = new Array("subform", "field")
numberOfObjectTypes = objectTypes.length

// Iterate over all the object types that could be mandatory
for (var objectTypeIndex = 0; objectTypeIndex < numberOfObjectTypes; objectTypeIndex++) {
numberOfPages =
objectType = objectTypes[objectTypeIndex]

// Iterate over all the pages
for (var pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < numberOfPages; pageIndex++) {
formObjects = xfa.layout.pageContent(pageIndex, objectType)
numberOfFormObjects = formObjects.length

// Iterate all the interactive objects retrieved from the page
for (var formObjectIndex = 0; formObjectIndex < numberOfFormObjects; formObjectIndex++) {
formObject = formObjects.item(formObjectIndex)

if (formObject.validate.nullTest != "disabled") {
formObject.validate.nullTest = "disabled"
if (formObject.parent.className == "exclGroup") {
if (formObject.parent.validate.nullTest != "disabled") {
formObject.parent.validate.nullTest = "disabled"
