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How to display user imput?

Registered: Aug 5 2008
Posts: 5

This is my first time using Adobe Designer, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question. I designed a user survey that will be displayed online and after the user clicks the submit button, the form is emailed as a pdf. I have a number of check boxes and the checks the user placed are not appearing in the emailed copy. The text input is displayed as well as the form itself - just no Xs in the check boxes. I went through and named each box but still nothing. I thought this would be a quick project, but so far have spent the entire morning on this check box issue. What have I overlooked?

Thanks in advance

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Aug 5 2008
Posts: 5
Ok....a bit more head scratching. It does display the check boxes if the form is opened on a windows system. But on a Mac, no checks in the boxes.