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How do I save changed objects in a dynamic form?

Registered: Oct 7 2008
Posts: 72

Hi all,
I have a dynamic form that consists of several subforms. In one subform there is a check box that changes the presence of another item within a different subform. It works, kind of, but will not maintain the presence change after saving and reopening. This form needs to be seen and signed by up to 4 or 5 different people. What must I do to keep the items visible and signatures applied after saving and passing on to the next individual in line? I can provide the form for review, just ask. I would appreciate any and all suggestions/help.


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Accepted Answer
When you use a checkbox/radio button to control the presence, don't use the click:event as the subform will return to its initial settings when reopening the form.

Use this script in the layoutReady:event of that subform you wanna hide/show.

this.presence = CheckBox1.rawValue === 1? "hidden":"visible";

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Oct 7 2008
Posts: 72
Thank you for your reply and suggestion. I am confused though. I have tried many iterations of your suggestion to no avail. May I email you the original version for your perusal? Would you mind telling me step-by-step how to apply the necessary scripting in order to make my form work? I thank you in advance.



Registered: Oct 7 2008
Posts: 72
Thank you again for the above answer. After researching on this forum further I was able to figure it all out.
