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How do I use a DataSet to provide the Data for a Chart

Registered: May 7 2009
Posts: 3

Hi I am a Noob at this so please direct me to a tutorial if required, I have searched around but cant seem to find what I am after.

I am using LiveCycle to send out an email questionnaire and I am receiving the data back, so no problems there. However, we have just changed the questionnaire to include some radio buttons. I was hoping to use the data received back to produce a graph that depicts how many respondents selected each option.

If you need more info please let me know.

Thank you for your eagerly anticipated assistance.


Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Hi, you can calculate charts directly within a XML-form.

I made some examples how to do this here:

So, you're able to import data from a xml-file for example, and the form calulates them and produces a chart just in time.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: May 7 2009
Posts: 3
Hi Radzmar,

I found your post about five minutes after I posted my question.

I just need to be able to import the data. At present I am using the acrobat to compile the data from the questionnaires I receive back, this allows me to view each questionnaire as a single entity. However, I want to look at the whole at one time.

i.e. Look at all the responses to question one, one below the other. Then the radio button questions as a horizontal bar chart, but at present the data is listed like:

VD, VD, VD, D, S, VS, VD

not as numbers, so I am required to do some data manipulation using a count function.

I take it I create a new PDF to show the data and bind it to an XML file that I will be required to export from the built in functions in the dataset.

Like I say I am a complete noob, and am greatful for any assistance you can give.

Thanks in anticipation
