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How Do You Change the Format of a Dataset?

Registered: Sep 12 2007
Posts: 3

Good Day,

I have created my first form with a submit by email button. The design is really basic, but most importantly what I need its the data.

It has a table of three columns, first name, last name and dietary need. There are 40 rows. I plan to import this data into Excel, but when I do my columns are turned into one row straight across. Actually all the data from each form is turned into one long row.

I need to compile the data in columns. One long list of first names with the perspective last name and dietary need.

If you know how to manipulate the data to do this, please help!



Registered: Sep 25 2007
Posts: 20
It sounds like your form was created by copying and pasting THE ROW forty times? You could wrap your row (delete the other 39 copies) in a flowed subform and then set: "object / binding / repeat subform for each data item" to min/max/initial of 40. (Change the file type in "file / save as...", to dynamic XML PDF form.)

Or, you could write a short Excel macro to split your One Big Row into 40 rows. :)