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how do you create sum from two numeric drop down

Registered: Aug 11 2010
Posts: 1

can one multiply from two numeric drop down lists to create sum?

One drop-down lists is for booth sizeand customer needs to select booth size from drop-down list

9 sqm
12 sqm
15 sqm
21 sqm
user entry

The other drop down list is for unit price and customer needs to select price (early bird vs. regular).


What formcalc script to calculate these two drop-down lists?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 48

In order to make dropdown to make it use for calculation, you must maintain values for each items.
1. Set the texts for DD list items "9 sqm", "12 sqm" blahblah... at [Object] -> [Field]
2. then goto [Object] -> [Binding] and select checkbox for "Specify Item Values"Then you can specify the actual value that you want to use in the calculation for each items.
So after you finished, it should look like following.
value Text
9 9 sqm
12 12 sqm
15 15 sqm
21 21 sqm

value Text
895 $895
935 $935

After you done the Dropdown settings, select your total decimal field and input;
$.rawValue = [BoothDD name come here].rawValue * [PriceDD name come here].rawValue