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How do you save LC Forms to a specific folder on a server?

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111

I've designed several forms that I've created in Word 2007 and then converted to LiveCycle 8.2.1. After placing all the text fields in their places I've then opened the PDF's in Acrobat so I can add the reader extensions so I can distribute the forms to 50+ employees. I've placed the forms in a shared folder on the server this way it's easier than giving 50 copies of the forms.

Supervisors have asked if each team can save their work in their own specific team folder. There are 10 teams in the agency. I created 10 folders in the server so that each team can save their PDF's in their own Team folder on the server. I was checking Adobe Acrobat preferences and I don't see an option where you can specify a specific folder where you'd want to save your work.

Is there an option where I can create a Save button on the form that will point automatically to that shared folder.

Lastly, all the forms have a patient's name field. Is it possible that when they click the save button it will automatically generate the name of the patient, the name of the form and the date created in the Save prompt?

Thank you all for your support.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

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