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How to flatten a PDF when Emailing

Registered: Aug 27 2008
Posts: 11

I have a PDF fillable form that is being used by clients and it currently has a digital signature on it. But I would like for this form the be able to be emailed without being altered by the recepient. It is currently either being printed and then faxed or scanned over. But I would like to have my clients press the email button and have all the information automatically flattened and then sent via email. Can anyone help me?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
LiveCycle Desinger forms do not support the Acrobat JavaScript "flattenPages" method and users with Reader can not use tis method under any circumstances.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 27 2008
Posts: 11
Thank you for your help