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how to have different pages sizes in same document?

Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 101

I need to have my first pages custom size, and the pages after it A4 size.

I tried to add two master pages, then set correct size. But After I click Inset -> new page the second subform (page2) is the same size as my first master page.


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Dec 18 2009
Posts: 15
Ok, when you have inserted your first page (the page you want with a custom size) just do this :

"document" --> "crop pages"You will be enable to resize at your own taste and need, verticaly and horizontaly.
Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 101
M2A wrote:
Ok, when you have inserted your first page (the page you want with a custom size) just do this :"document" --> "crop pages"You will be enable to resize at your own taste and need, verticaly and horizontaly.
i'm using livecycle designer 8 not acrobat. And in acrobat this option is not available.
Registered: Dec 18 2009
Posts: 15
Sorry to have given wrong help, my apologizes.

To have 2 master pages with different sizes do this :

1) create your first master page , select 1 page in drop menu

2) go in the Master Page view, in the "Object" palette check the restriction page box
and make the occurence Maximum value on 1........(like this the setting will be use only one time)

3) add a new master page, with the second size you want

4) return in the Master Page view and select your second master page (click on it),
in the object palette uncheck the restriction page box

5) add another pages if you want, they will all have the setting of your second master page

The idea is that for each master page you create you can set the properties in the object palette.
And to have this setting applied one time (for only one page) you must check the restriction occurence box and give a maximum value (in your case 1, for 1 time). In the object palette you can also modify the size of your master page ( A4 to A3, A3 to A5...).

Hope now it helps ;D
Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 101
Thanks do you know how I can change page size in preprint event?

I'm making PDF file that can be used to print mail labels, and my page size is about 210x180mm
I adjust label position using user input data and to print labels on A4 the page height must be 297mm

Can I modify my page size in javascript ? Because if I position my text field outside my page it does not print.
