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How To: Insert One Page LiveCycle form into Second LiveCycle Form

Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 17

I thought this would be a simple task, but...

I have a single-page form created in LiveCycle Designer v8. This form has global variables, and scripts behind the page objects, which largly consist of multiple text fields, check boxes, and one drop-down.

I have a second, multipage LiveCycle form that is purely static text: no scripts or form variables whatsoever.

I would like to simply insert my single, dynamic page into the multipage document, but so far, this has totally eluded me.

I tried copying the objects from my single interactive page onto a blank page in the big document, and even manually added the global form variables, but something is obviously mising, as the interactive page does not "interact."

Anyone have any clues?

Of course, the second part of this is how to import global form variables - having to manually insert them into each document I want to create is going to be a big pain, as I have several of them.

Thanks in advance!


Registered: Oct 3 2007
Posts: 37
Did you try combining the two PDF files into one file using Acrobat Pro?

Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 17
Not that specifically, but I tried to use Acrobat Pro to remove the unneeded, static pages when I paired down a document in the process of creating my single page interactive form, that I am now working with. Acrobat wouldn't let me even delete pages. It's as if once you've created a form in Designer, you can't do anything with it in Acrobat.

I'll give it a try, though.

Any ideas on exporting/importing a list of global form variables, or is that going to have to be a manual process for every form I have to do?

Thanks for your reply!

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Since the form layer is an XML structure, you can not just insert 2 LiveCycle Designer forms or LiveCycle Designer forms into an standard PDF file.

This is possible with Acrobat Forms created with Acrobat. Also with Acrobat Forms one only needs to use the same name for fields that contain the same data and one can use the FDF file of Acrobat Forms to import and export form data between Acrobat Forms for the same named fields. And one can add a PDF document to an Acrobat Form.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 17
Ok, so does anyone then have the solution as to how to do this in LiveCycle Designer?

I used LiveCycle because of the seemingly rich development environment it provided, with built-in functions, scripting ability, etc.

But if I can't move pages in and out with other documents (also created in LiveCycle), I'm not sure how rich the tool actually is. At the end of the day, it has become a hinderance to my project...