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How to restore menu bar in LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2

Registered: Mar 3 2009
Posts: 5

How can one get the menu bar back (File, Edit, View, ... Window, Help) in LiveCycle Designer ES (8.2)?
In the process of dragging images between documents (e.g, word and paint) mistakenly drug the menu bar (File, Edit, View ... Windows, Help) off the LiveCycle work area.
I saw that F9 works in Acrobat 8 on Windows (but no effect in LCD); also tried the Acrobat 8/Mac solution (Ctrl-Shift-M) with no effect.
Please assist ... I've stacked up several nonproductive hours looking for a solution.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

I tried to reproduce the problem.
If I drag the menu bar out of the designer area, there is allways a small window, that contains the menus that I can easily put back into Designer.
If this is not there, you can try to load Desinger's default settings.

Under XP got to Document and Settings/Users/[Username]/Application Data/Adobe/ ...
Under Vista/W7 got to Users/[Username]/App Data/Roaming/Adobe/ ...
... and rename or delete the folder "Designer".
On next start up, the folder is recreated automatically and Designer uses it's default setting.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Mar 3 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks radzmar but ...
1) Did a "repair" installation on Acrobat 9 Pro (on Vista) [this was in process when I saw your reply] then rebooted and no change
2) Renamed the Users/[Username]/App Data/Roaming/Adobe/Designer folder to oldDesigner
3) Restarted FormDesigner, even rebooted again, and...
4) LCD did recreate the Designer folder and toolbars and palettes were returned to default settings/position, but still NO menu bar.

In the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_USERS at
there are Settings and Status-Bar# entries.
One of the Status-Bar# entries (Status-Bar5 on my Vista and an Acrobat 8 Pro/XP PC; Status-Bar4 on another Acrobat 9 Pro/Vista PC) which had ClassName=fdMDIMenuBar and Name=Menu Bar. I expect this is for the Menu Bar but haven't figured out the mechanics of its various keys. That is, I moved several palettes, etc around, closed FormDesigner, and refreshed the Registry and no change suggesting a correlation.

Next step is probably a full uninstall/install of Acrobat 9 Pro.

Thanks again for your assistance!
Registered: Mar 3 2009
Posts: 5

1) uninstalled Acrobat 9 Pro

2) did "complete" install of Acrobat 9 Pro (not "typical", not "custom")

Still NO menu bar in LiveCycle Designer must be something in the registry
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Did you test if the problem also appears with another user account?

The menu bar is controlled by the registry settings HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Designer\8.2\ToolBarsDE178\Status-Bar5

Check the parameter "Docking" it should be "0x00000001"

If the problem is only present with your current account, you should make a screenshot of the registry settings on a working account and compare them with the not working account.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs