What im trying to do is add a layer of "dummy" protection, what I have is a form it pulls a po number off of a database the user hits a button to remove the entry from the database.
*There was a want for a strange and unique numbering system by the parts clerk, I cheated with a excel document that generated all the numbers physically possible for the partsclerk's numbering system and dumped it into a access database.
I sense this numbering system will eventually fail and have voiced that but this is the system the clerk wants and her boss is backing her up so I comply.
What I have is a button that when the user clicks it, it removes the record so no one will use that PO again, that works just fine for what they want.
*cough* I had originally handed them a unique numbering system that was simple and required no thinking on there part but the clerk turned it down, it was something like date() + time() *cough*
I would also like to implement a simple message box similar to this..
xfa.host.messageBox("Are you sure you wish to delete this record from the database it cannot be undone.", "Delete Record Are you sure?", 2, 3)
Now if the user hits yes it deletes the record, and if the user hits no then it does nothing.
What I have not figured out how to do is capture the users response, ive read several tutorials and all references to messageBox in the livecycle scripting reference and this forums, and they all end at the end of the message box never mentioning really how to capture the user input i recall one that mentioned or made it sound possible but never really went further.
The version of Livecycle im using is: 8.05.2073.1.374024
Oh and apparently I like to also say the word "What" looking back over my post. :)
Chris "The evil form designer"
According to this document the message box fucntion returns an integer indicating the button the user pushed,
A valid integer representing the value of the button pressed by the user:
● 1 (OK)
● 2 (Cancel)
● 3 (No)
● 4 (Yes)
Thom Parker
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Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script