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I read somewhere that forms could only be used for 500 responses.

Registered: Sep 30 2007
Posts: 2

Is it true that forms may only be used for 500 responses.

I am the Assistant Superintendent for Finance at the Fort Smith Public Schools. I have been using Adobe Acrobat Professional about 6 months. I am looking for ways to use Adobe to create and manage forms and archive documents and collections of documents

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Here are the exact details on forms that are Reader-enabled from the Acrobat EULA. This does not apply to regular PDF forms.

ADOBE Software License Agreement (a paragraph thereof)
14.13.3 For any unique Extended Document, you may only either (a) Deploy such Extended Document to an unlimited number of unique recipients but shall not extract information from more than five hundred (500) unique instances of such Extended Document or any hardcopy representation of such Extended Document containing filled form fields; or (b) Deploy such Extended Document to no more than five hundred (500) unique recipients without limits on the number of times you may extract information from such Extended Document returned to you filled-in by such Recipients. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, obtaining additional licenses to use Acrobat Professional shall not increase the foregoing limits (that is, the foregoing limits are the aggregate total limits regardless of how many additional licenses to use Acrobat Professional you may have obtained).

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

David Jones
Registered: Feb 4 2009
Posts: 4
If you have 2 Livecycle licences and create form 1 then create form 2 from form 1 and alter the header or form name does that then allow for two lots of 500? and create form 3 with another header etc.......

I have only just found out about this limit. Seems very strange given the completed forms do not use any of Adobes facilites other than the program that created them

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
This is the test I use: If two forms are used to collect the same data for the same purpose, they are the same form. Also, read the last sentence of the license section posted above.

Seems very strange given the completed forms do not use any of Adobes facilites other than the program that created them.
Exactly. Adobe would like folks to buy LiveCycle Reader Extensions or Acrobat.

David Jones
Registered: Feb 4 2009
Posts: 4
Hi George

Thanks for the reply - I am useless with jargonese EULAS

What I was meaning - and probalby should have explained clearer:
I am in AUstralia and we have offices in each state. If I develop the form and send it to a colleague in a different state (and they change the header or somehting) then they distribute it and accept the returned data and I never see this data and they never see mine is that a separate licence use?

Incidentally whats the cost of reader extensions (I'll do a search as well - promise)

