I have created a form with several image fields. I'm trying to figure out how to extract the image from the form. Basically the customer is inserting an image on the form and then returning to me. When I get the form I can see the image but I need to be able to save the image on my computer. I thought embeding the image would work but I must be missing something.
generally it could work with the functions Acrobat already has build in, generally.
But, it isn't that simple.
This script will recover images from image fields and save it as attachment to the pdf.
But, this would be to good to be true.
There is a problem in the streamDecode function, which causes incomplete images when their size is larger than 50KB.
If the images are embeded you can read out the base64 encoded data, convert it into a stream object which then can be stored in a txt attachment.
This script will do this.
This is also explained here
• LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
• LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs