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import as flowable-> keep position when switching content to flowable

Registered: Apr 2 2008
Posts: 2

LCD 8.05 128 cipher

im trying to convert a multitude of paper forms to pdf format; my problem arises when trying to accommodate for expanding text fields.

the converted output wraps everything in a positioned subform and the content [text and text fields] shifts towards the anchor and reverts to hierarchical order when changed to flowed.

- topmost subform
- master pages
- content area
- page 1 (output positioned content)
- text
- text fields

is there a way to preserve the positioning of the text and textfields while switching the content to flowed?

as of now i must: group the text and text fields or put them in desired order in the hierarchy pane; switch parent subform to flowed content; rearrange using the margins in the layout pane; or merge some of the text as captions for the text fields; at any rate, not very efficient for large numbers of pages.

much obliged for any help.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Mar 5 2008
Posts: 74
as far as i can tell no there isnt i am trying to do the same but from acroform and I have the same problem when moving to flowed i normally wrap a couple times and flow the highest subform level or sometimes position everything and use blank text objects like spacers and wrap to western text but yah very very time consuming i hope someone has a bettter solution
Registered: Mar 10 2008
Posts: 10
hi beachbumbali11

The Emacs MIME library will respect the use-hard-newlines variable (see section `Hard and Soft Newlines' in Emacs Manual) when encoding a message, and the "format=flowed" Content-Type parameter when decoding a message.

On encoding text, lines terminated by soft newline characters are filled together and wrapped after the column decided by fill-flowed-encode-column. This variable controls how the text will look in a client that does not support flowed text, the default is to wrap after 66 characters. If hard newline characters are not present in the buffer, no flow encoding occurs.

On decoding flowed text, lines with soft newline characters are filled together and wrapped after the column decided by fill-flowed-display-column. The default is to wrap after fill-column.
Its part of the Content-Type leader, so you can just do msg.set_param('format', 'flowed', 'Content-Type')
