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Import Outlined PDF into Acrobat Designer Problems

Registered: Apr 25 2007
Posts: 13

When I import a PDF using Acrobat 7 Professional, the new form assistant transforms my PDF file's outlined characters into mumbo jumbo! It shouldn't be doing this or should it? I've also tried opening without the assistant and the advanced options still churn out mumbo jumbo instead of text. Help!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70
I'm not too familiar with making forms through Acrobat - you may wish to repost this in the acrobat forum - Acrobat 7,0 Professional should have came with LiveCycle 7.0 - I use LiveCycle 8.0, so hopefully everything I describe below was still the same in 7.0

In LiveCycle, you would just choose open=>(your document)
When the new form assistant opens, choose "create an interactive form with fixed pages"

This will basically take your existing pdf and use it as an image background - It should appear exactly as before. PDF Artwork backgrounds do have limitations

1, you cannot edit the original pdf text or layout, but you can replace it with different pdf background - so edit the original elsewhere and choose replace background artwork

2. You can still add fields on top of your background, but you are somewhat limited in the choices of field types you can use.

3. you can have multiple pages, but I don't think you can add/delete pages later on, and I'm pretty sure you cant use flowed objects to extend off one page and onto the next

4. PDF artwork forms do not allow for subforms and sometimes complicate writing JavaScript actions. You can still create variables though