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Importing Acrobat form as a flowable document without losing Borders and Line

Registered: Oct 20 2010
Posts: 21

The thing that I am having a problem with is that you can't bring in a form that has fields that been created in acrobat into Livecycle and still have the full set of features that is inside of livecycle. For example if you bring in a document that has lines and borders around form and text as a flowable document you would lose the line and borders but still have the text and the full feature. If you bring it in as a none flowable document you would still have the lines, borders and text but not a full list of features. The most important feature that I was looking to use was the expandable field feature that would move everything down as you type in the field. Just thought that it was maybe some way around losing the borders and line that I didnt know about. This is a true pain in the you know what becuase I have 1000's of forms that was created in Acrobat that needs to have expandable fields (that will print out) but in order to keep the borders and line around the fields I would have to bring it in as a none flowable document that has the subform greyed out so I cant use it. I wonder if the new Livecycle will allow this. I am in the process of buying Acrobat X and I know that the new livecycle comes with it but currently I have Acrobat 9 and Livecycle 8.2 .

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

you possibly cannot change the loss of the forms formatting when you import AcroForms into Designer.
No matter if you use Designer ES or ES2.
It's because Designers dynamic forms (XFA = XML-based) are a totally different to the static forms you create in Acrobat (AcroForms = PDF-based).
The import mostly make sense if forms are simple in design and function.
But, if you really need the dynamic text fields, you either can import your forms as described (=loss of formatting) or rebuild them from scratch in Designer, which is what I suggest.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Oct 20 2010
Posts: 21
Hmm what if I have that same in MS word would I still lose the formatting. I have MS office 2010 and it doesnt work with Designer ES but it might work when I get ES2. Do you think that it might work with MS word? That way I would have the formatting and have all the options avaliable.