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Importing a large list of items to a Drop-Down field...

Registered: Jun 5 2007
Posts: 3

I've tried for several weeks EVERYWHERE to get an answer to my question, but there doesn't seem to be a forum or support group that will touch it...

Any help anyone could provide would be great. I've been searching for more info on dynamic/XML drop-downs, but everything I've found is much more complex than I need.

I have a PDF form set up (actually meant for printing more than for xml or collection use) for purchase order requests. Straightforward - who's ordering, when do they need it, where should purchasing get it, where should it be delivered and then a table of "item details" and "item costs", with a final tax and total calculation.

The only thing I want to do is introduce 2 drop-down menus - One where the user would select a "project name" and have an "internal order number" appear, and another to select an "account name" to charge to and have the "account number" appear. I was planning to introduce two drop-downs for "project name" and "account name" and using the java switch statement, have those selections automatically populate two text fields where the associated "project number" and "account number" would appear. The other idea was to simply introduce the "project number" and "account number" for each "project name" and " account name" for each item in the drop downs as VALUES (in the binding section) of the drop down field, and then have two separate text fields that are bound to the user selected "name" drop down field. In practice it worked either way with a few items - a user selects the text "Johnston Project" from the list and "200154" appears in the bound text box because 200154 is the "Value" associated with the text "Johnston Project". Unfortunately this didn't allow for any user-entered numbers, whereby the java switch statement would (the switch statement also worked fine).

In any case, I have 74 project name/internal order numbers for one drop-down and 187 account description/account numbers for the other drop down. There's no need for these to be dynamic, as they don't change - I just need a one time import!!!

Any ideas how to import the data, rather than cut/paste for hours? I delved into the xml samples and attempted to add that way, and even currently have XML files with my data, but in the end, I just can't make it work.

The desparation for an answer has past for the time being (I had an underling painstakingly complete the task by manually entering ALL items), but now I have a YEARNING to know how to make it work (and I'm sure it will come up again!)!!

Anyone, PLEASE!!!

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Thom Parker has a tutorial on how to populate a drop-down (combo box) using a master list for either Acrobat Forms or LiveCycle at:

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