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importing xml into livecycle form on mac

Registered: Apr 28 2009
Posts: 4

I have a working php script which creates a xdp file (xml) and populates an livecycle form.

The problem I have is that it doesn't work on a mac.

On the mac the form loads fine, but the data does not populate.

I use:
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.adobe.xdp');
header('Content-Disposition: attachement; filename= transpulse.xdp;');

and then the footer loads the pdf file.

Works great on PC world.

Any help would be appreciated.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Does the XDP contain a reference to the PDF file? This is the traditional way to do it. The HTTP response body (is this what you mean by footer?) contians the XDP data and the XDP references the PDF?

Thom Parker
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Registered: Apr 28 2009
Posts: 4
Sorry yes that is what I meant.

Reference to the PDF file is in the XDP file.

And like I said it works perfectly on PC with all the popular browsers
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
I know that LiveCycle is not availible on the MAC and I've heard that it never will be. However, the Mac version of Acrobat does display LiveCycle forms. And if it displays them it should also handle importing and exporting data. Sounds like a bug to me.

You should do some related testing to see how bad it is.
1) Manually import and export data to/from the PDF on your local drive
If this works then
2) close the form and then double click on the XDP file. Acrobat should open and populate the form
If it doesn't do this from a local file then there's no way it's going to do it from a server script and you've got a serious bug.
3) try returning a different data format from the PHP script, like FDF. Just to see what happens

BTW: you never said what version for Acrobat/Reader you're using on the MAC. I should have asked this first. It's pretty important.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info

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Thom Parker
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Registered: Apr 28 2009
Posts: 4
Tried creating a seperate xdp file and sending this to safari. Same problem

I have found posts dating back a year with people asking the same question, with no replies to their messages. Not looking good for finding a solution. Might be a bug but you would think it would be noticed in over a year. This is not a complicated application LOL

The mac has the latest download from Adobe's site installed for Reader.

I don't have physical access to a mac, so I'm getting mac owners to test for me remotely. Not the most ideal way to diagnose a problem and figure out a solution :(

Thanks for your help.
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
mdoll_london wrote:
I don't have physical access to a mac, so I'm getting mac owners to test for me remotely. Not the most ideal way to diagnose a problem and figure out a solution :(
Too bad, you really need this to nail down the exact behavior.

Good Luck,

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script